About Us

Since starting her business in 2003, board-certified Equine Internal Medicine Specialist, Dr. Amy Polkes has utilized state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment in partnership with expertise and experience to provide personalized service to each of her patients.
Equine Internal Medicine and Diagnostic (IMED) Services, formerly Hudson Valley Equine Internal Medicine, provides mobile internal medicine service for cases that would otherwise require transport to a referral facility. Practicing in Maryland, Virginia, New York, Connecticut, and Colorado, Equine IMED brings the specialist to the patient. Advances in diagnostic equipment has made portable equipment capable of offering these services in a field setting.
Examining a horse in their own setting greatly improves the patient experience while providing additional information regarding environmental and management factors that allow for a more comprehensive evaluation. Close collaboration between specialist and client provide the best outcome.
What is a Board-Certified Veterinary Specialist?
A board-certified veterinary specialist is similar to their human medical counterparts in that they have completed an internship and residency in their specialized field with an additional 3 years of intensive training. Additionally a rigorous examination must be passed to achieve board certification from their certifying organization.
Specialists bring a deeper understanding in their specialty field, and have a greater knowledge of unusual or uncommon conditions in large or small animals. Additionally, a specialist may have state-of-the art diagnostic equipment not generally used by your veterinarian.
Our Team

Dr. Amy Polkes
Equine Internal Medicine Specialist
Dr. Amy Polkes is a board certified Equine Internal Medicine specialist. Dr. Polkes received her Bachelor in Science from Cornell University and her degree in Veterinary Medicine from Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine. She was in private equine practice for several years before continuing her training at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine with a residency in Large Animal Internal Medicine. In 2002, after completing her residency program, she established an Equine internal medicine mobile consulting practice in Maryland and Virginia as well as providing consultation for Antech Diagnostics on equine medicine cases. Dr. Polkes has now grown her referral practice, Equine Internal Medicine and Diagnostic Services (Equine imed), to provide mobile equine internal medicine services in Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York and Connecticut . Her goal is to provide an alternative to referral institutions, allowing for evaluation at your farm or at your primary veterinarian’s facility.
The most common cases that are referred for an internal medicine consultation are: Respiratory disease – including poor performance, chronic cough and difficult respiratory cases. Gastrointestinal diseases- gastroscopy, weight loss, colic, chronic colic, other. Neurological disease- Comprehensive neurological evaluations, CSF taps. Ophthalmology-difficult ophthalmology cases. Cardiac- evaluation of murmurs, arrhythmia’s, PPE including echocardiography, ECG and holter monitor.
Dr. Polkes is also the Medical Director at Antech Diagnostics. She has helped to facilitate the expansion of Equine Diagnostic testing within Antech Diagnostics to provide more comprehensive and advanced equine diagnostic testing. She continues to work with Antech to offer quality and affordable diagnostic testing to equine practitioners and provide continuing education on equine diagnostic testing.
Dr. Polkes resides in Maryland with her husband (who specializes in small animal internal medicine), her 2 teenage children and her 3 dogs. She enjoys hiking, biking and skiing and spending time with her family at all of the various sports activities!

Jo Emblin
Veterinary Technician
Born in England, Jo grew up on a couple of relatively terrifying grey ponies with her eventing parents. After emigrating to the US with their event horses and family dog and cat, she briefly rode show hunters and joined the Pony Club, benefiting from every discipline offered and any spare horse or pony that needed a rider. Jo represented the United States as a rider, and later as a coach, with the USPC team at the International Mounted Games Exchange, and was also a riding member of Team USA at the Mounted Games World Team Championships on several occasions.
Jo has a keen interest in young horse development and enjoys learning from professionals of all equine occupations and disciplines in her lifelong endeavor of horsemanship. She currently resides in Maryland with her family, five horses and two cats, and looks forward to the future with her newest equine partner Balou’Czar aka Bruno.